The Manöverschluck Galley
Our drinks come in a handy bottle, which is easily passed around on deck. However, when you want to get a bit more sophisticated, they are also ideally suited for cocktails. Here we offer our suggestions for cocktails with JJs Manöverschluck Eigner Edition I.
JJs Manöverschluck Eigner Edition I

Maple-Bourbon Smash
6 cl JJs Manöverschluck Eigner Edition I
1.5 cl maple syrup
1.5 cl orange juice
1 cl lemon juice
4 dashes Angostura Bitter
4,5 cl kalter Sprudel
Kentucky Mule
The Eigner Edition I gives this classic new life.
6 cl JJs Manöverschluck Eigner Edition I
1.5 cl lime juice
10 cl Thomas Henry Ginger Beer
Fresh Mint

Boulevardier on a Boat
Mint Julep
The classic of the Kentucky Derby here in a cheeky variation with Tennessee Whiskey
5 cl JJs Manöverschluck Eigner Edition I
1.5 cl Zuckersirup
Fresh Mint
Crushed Ice